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Introduction to Reality

An A-Z Guide to True Spirituality

Rick Chapman

194 pages
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Updated edition of previously released How to find a Guru, with over a dozen new chapters, Introduction to Reality “offers the spiritual seeker a vital compendium of guidelines and examples of true, God-realized Masters throughout our known history. It is a unique treasure chest of direction and information from Masters of virtually every mystical tradition who have known by experience what the spiritual path and its Goal of Enlightenment are all about.” From the back cover

A sampling of chapter titles: A is for Avatar; Channeling and Clairvoyance; Darshan; Creation (the Story of); Feet, Lotus; God, What is?; Health and Success, the Truth about; Intuition; Meher Baba; Name, Taking the; Pilgrimage; Reality 101 (A Crash Course); Rules and Regulations; Seduction; Sex; Siddharthas' Mistake; Soul?, What on Earth is a; Suffering; Ways of the Master, Unfathomable; 'Word of God,' Adhering to the; and ZZZZ.

Published 2008