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Forgiveness with Meher Baba

Laurent Weichberger & Companions

Paperback 209 pages
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The topic of forgiveness is one Laurent Weichberger has been interested in for some time. In a seminar given by Don E. Stevens (co-editor of Meher Baba's Discourses and God Speaks), Don said he felt strongly that the most important spiritual work in the world today is associated with forgiveness. Don's words have inspired Laurent to learn all he can about forgiveness and to conduct seminars on the topic. He also compiled and edited the book, The Doorbell of Forgiveness.

Part one of Forgiveness with Meher Baba delves into all aspects of forgiveness: the what, how, and why of forgiveness and the spiritual implications of it. It is written by Laurent. Part two is written by contributing authors who share their personal experience and journey around forgiveness.

Meher Baba said, “People ask God for forgiveness. But since God is everything and everyone, who is there for Him to forgive?”

Published 2016